trading assets such as cryptocurrencies, with or without margin, involves a high level of risk. It may result in a substantial or total loss of your investment and is not suitable for all investors.
Disclosure of Risk
Trading and executing transactions, as described in this Disclaimer, with or without financial leverage or margin, constitutes speculative trading with high risk. You must carefully assess whether this type of financial activity aligns with your financial situation, resources, and personal circumstances. Given the significant risk of losing some or all of your invested funds in a short period, it is recommended to only use funds specifically designated for speculative, high-risk transactions. Please note the following risks:
Currency Risk
Cryptocurrency and currency market rates often experience sharp and unpredictable fluctuations. The magnitude, direction, and timing of these changes cannot be accurately forecasted.
Event Risk
Market prices can fluctuate suddenly due to unforeseen events, circumstances, or changes in conditions.
Operational Risk
While Alpha Market Global strives to ensure the continuity of services, operational risks such as communication disruptions, network or system outages, or external events may cause delays in transaction execution and settlement.
Using electronic trading software introduces risks related to computers, internet connectivity, communication systems, and interfaces. Risks include but are not limited to, system crashes, software or hardware failures, and incorrect data inputs from external providers. No trading system is infallible, free of occasional failures, or guaranteed to deliver profits. Losses are an inherent possibility.
Margin Risk
Trading cryptocurrencies with leverage or margin involves placing a small amount of collateral relative to the total transaction value. Even minor market price changes in a short timeframe can result in significant gains or losses, potentially leading to the total loss of your collateral within a very short period.
Additional Risks
This Disclaimer does not encompass all risks associated with the transactions described or implied herein.